
Chadron Public Schools And CSC Offering Free Band Concert With 5 Bands


     The Chadron Public Schools and Chadron State College are joining forces for a free band concert tonight at 7:00 in Memorial Hall featuring 5 different bands.

      Chadron School Band Director Joe Rischling says the joint concert at the college is becoming a popular annual event.

Thomas Hughes is a Chadron High graduate and CSC student who used the pen name Markus Knox for tonight’s number “Golden Time Ahead.”

    Rischling says his 3 bands will perform first with tonight the first true concert for the 6th-grade band.

The Community Band will then perform one number, followed by one selection by the college band before the high school band returns to join both of the older groups on Hughes’ piece.

The joint Chadron Public Schools – Chadron State College band concert is free. It begins at 7:00 in Memorial Hall.