Agate Fossil Beds National Monument south of Harrison a trail clean-up Monday morning from 9:00 till noon on the popular one-mile long Daemonelix Trail.
Volunteers are asked to register in advance by contacting Ranger Tera Lynn by phone at (308) 436-9768 or email teralynn_gray@nps.gov
Clean-up tasks will include weeding along the trail borders, fixing water channels along eroded parts of the trail, and covering bare spots of the trail with new gravel.
Equipment and tools will be provided, but volunteers are welcome to bring their own gloves. They’re also encouraged to check the weather ahead of time because September weather at Agate Fossil Beds is unpredictable
As a thank you to the volunteers for the clean-up, Ranger Ember will provide a special geology program along the trail at 11:00.
Ember says she loves sharing “how clearly you can see the contacts between different geologic formations” and pointing out “really interesting and different paleoenvironments on this trail in which rocks were formed.”