
High Hopes For Chadron Drive-Thru Job Fair


     The Nebraska Dept of Labor is partnering with Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation, Chadron State College, Discover Northwest Nebraska, and the Chadron Chamber of Commerce to host a drive-thru job and resource fair today in Chadron.

     The job fair runs from 11:30-3:00 in the FNBO parking lot across from Safeway, the same place where the KCSR/KBPY Cruise Nights are headquartered.

     NNDC Executive Director Deb Cottier says the drive-thru concept has been used successfully the past 2 years in a number of cities, including some in the Panhandle.

Cottier says organizers are pleased by the response from employers, who submitted flyers and other information that will be handed out to those looking for work.

Cottier is optimistic an equally solid turnout will be seen among the job-seekers driving, biking, or walking through the line 

Cottier says job-seekers unable to attend or not wanting to publicize the fact they’re looking for work can still participate simply by having someone else pick up a bag for them.