Hwy 471 south of Edgemont will be closed today and tomorrow as the Burlington Northern Santa Fe makes emergency repairs to a railroad crossing.
The South Dakota Dept of Transportation says traffic will be detoured through Hot Springs with signs posted to guide motorists around the project.
The closure begins this morning at 7:00 with the repairs scheduled to be finished by 6:00 tomorrow afternoon.
The department also says work is beginning today on a $5.1-million dollar structure replacement and grading project on Hwy 244 a quarter-mile east of Palmer Creek Road in the Mount Rushmore area.
Heavy Constructors Inc of Rapid City, the prime contractor, has a scheduled completion date of next May 23.
Traffic will be guided through the project this month using flaggers and a pilot car, with slight delays to be expected.
Hwy 244 will be closed to through traffic starting October 2nd with a detour installed along Hwy 16/16A that will remain in use no later than May 3rd. Access to Mount Rushmore from the east will remain via Hwys 16A and 244