By U.S. Senator Deb Fischer
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January 20, 2025, was a momentous day for America. The theme of the 60th Presidential Inauguration was “Our Enduring Democracy.” And this Inauguration was a reminder that because of our American Constitution, our nation will surely endure.
This year, I had the great honor of helping to lead the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC). My colleagues and I spent months planning the Inauguration and other key events. I gave remarks at the Inauguration itself and had the honor of being the first person to introduce President Trump to the country after he took the oath of office.
In my remarks, I discussed our indelible Constitution and the opportunities it creates for the American people. Our Founders wrote the Constitution so that America could withstand all the twists and turns of time. They wrote it to guide us and to preserve forever our rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They wrote it to endure.
But as much as the truths and principles enshrined in our Constitution remain the same, our democracy promises the American people the power to evolve—to chart their own destiny. That’s the beauty, and the importance, of democracy. It allows the endurance, the permanence, of a nation through change.
We the People voted overwhelmingly, in November, for the safety, security, and prosperity that our nation has sought since its founding.
Because of my role on JCCIC, Nebraskans had the unique opportunity to see our home state prominently celebrated at one of the most significant ceremonies in our nation’s history. These moments served as powerful reminders of Nebraska’s vital place within the union and the indispensable contributions our state makes to America.
I invited the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Combined Choirs to perform the musical prelude at President Trump’s inaugural ceremony. Clad in black peacoats and vibrant red scarves, the choirs radiated Nebraska pride. Their voices reverberated through the Capitol rotunda as they performed the stirring anthem “One Voice” accompanied by the United States Marine Band. Before the singers began their performance, I reminded them to savor and enjoy this historic opportunity.
After the Inauguration ceremony, Nebraska took center stage again at the Inaugural Luncheon. The Luncheon is a decades-old tradition where both Democrats and Republicans come together to honor the newly sworn-in president. This year, our main entrée was Nebraska ribeyes. Nebraska’s status as the Beef State was confirmed as guests enjoyed Greater Omaha Angus Steak.
January 20, 2025, was a momentous day for America. It was our 60th Presidential Inauguration. It was only the second time a president has been sworn in for a second nonconsecutive term. It marked another milestone in securing the blessings of liberty and prosperity for ourselves and the generations to come.
We the People voted President Trump into office for a second time, and We the People chose once again to steer this nation towards greatness. We chose to steer America towards the secure, safe, and prosperous future that our Founders envisioned for all of us. And now that President Trump has officially been inaugurated, we are ready to get to work.