By Katie Markheim, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener
Seed and Soil Quality – Winter can sometimes be long, especially for a gardener like me. It’s hard for us to stay indoors during cold weather when we want to be outside working in our garden year-round. However, the growing season can begin early by starting seeds indoors.
When starting transplants, use good quality seed and a sterile soil or soil-less mixture. For growing media, use potting soil, or a soil-less mixture that contains vermiculite, perlite, and/or peat moss. Choose growing media that is lightweight and well-drained and has been moistened prior to adding to planting containers. Start the seeds in seed trays or other types of peat containers. You can reuse pots or seed trays from previous years; just make sure they’re cleaned from year to year. You can recycle old food containers or make your own from newspapers or toilet paper tubes. Be sure that all recycled containers are thoroughly cleaned prior to use and have good drainage or drainage holes punctured into them.