
Champion Wheelchair Powerlifter And Body Builder Nick Scott Speaks At CSC Tonight


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    Top professional wheelchair bodybuilder and 2-time world champion wheelchair powerlifter Nick Scott is visiting Chadron State College today and speaking tonight at 7:00 in the Student Center Ballroom.

      An author and motivational speaker as well as lifter and bodybuilder, Scott’s talk is titled “Igniting the Fire Within” and is aimed at inspiring audience members to follow their dreams and become the best they can be. 

      Scott was paralyzed in a 1998 auto accident, but was able to turn tragedy into triumph. He says he realized almost right away that by surviving, he’d been given a second chance at life and began to focus on what he could do, not what he couldn’t.

      He admits it took many years before he was able to fully accept himself and be ok with the results of the accident as he lives his life to the best of his ability.

        Scott says the reality is that most people are no OK with and don’t accept who they are. He hopes his example shows them them that “if you just live your life fearlessly, can achieve anything you want.”

     Scott, who is also a professional trainer and wheelchair ballroom dancer, was brought to Chadron State by the school’s Survival Skills class.