
SD House And Senate Redistricting Committees Meeting Separately


      The South Dakota House and Senate remain at odds over where the new political boundaries based on last year’s Census should be.

       The redistricting committees for both chambers, which have Republican supermajorities, started their work meeting as a single body, but eventually approved different legislative district maps and Monday met separately. 

      The House committee’s map keeps the current legislative district mostly intact, while the Senate’s proposal would change many districts and create a shake-up in future elections. 

       Backers of the House map say it’s received positive feedback at public input sessions, but Senate map supporters  argue their proposal better accounts for the state’s population shifts over the last decade.

       The legislature meets in special session in two weeks to come up with a compromise plan that will also have to be acceptable to Gov Kristi Noem. If they don’t, the courts will create the final maps.