A Wyoming man has been bound over for trial in the shooting death last month in Burns of his mother’s boyfriend.
25-year old Tyler Hill of Burns is charged with a single count of 2nd-degree murder.
      Circuit Court Judge Sean Chambers on Friday found probable cause following a preliminary hearing to bind Hill over for trial in Laramie County District Court for killing 43-year old Ashley Bartel.
Judge Chambers lowered Hill’s bond from $250,000 to $100,000 cash, and ordered him to have no contact with any witnesses in the case.
Laramie County Sheriff’s Detective Sgt Ryan Martinez testified deputies found Bartel’s body with a gunshot wound to the head when they responded to a Burns home about 1:20 in the afternoon of August 23rd following 2 calls – one by property owner Dannie Wilde and the other from Hill’s mother, Rhonda Bryan.
Wilde told deputies he lived in an outbuilding while Hill, Bartel, and Bryan were among about a half-dozen people living in the main house. He said Hill and Bartel were arguing over using a car when Hill fired a shot into the ground from a pistol
Wilde said he went into his home and locked the door, then heard 3 more gunshots. Looking out his window, he saw Bartel backing up with his hands in the air, then saw Hill raise his arm and shoot Bartel in the head..
Sgt Martinez also recounted interviewing Rhonda Bryan, who said she was the one arguing with Bartel about using his car to take Hill to a truck stop and that Hill joined in carrying a pistol.
Bryan said she tried to knock her son’s hand with the gun down or away, but the gun went off and hit Bartel in the face.
Hill then fled, but was spotted a short time later on Interstate 80 near Pine Bluffs and was arrested without incident after leaving the freeway and stopping at the intersection of 2 county roads.