
Chadron City Council July 1, 2024


Chadron City Council Meeting NO. 2024-15

July 1, 2024

6:00 P.M. 

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor reads the following before continuing with the meeting: “As required by Section 84-1412, subsection 8 of the Nebraska Statutes, notice is hereby given that a copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted for your examination on the wall inside the door to these City Council Chambers.” 

Roll Call 

Approval of Agenda

a. Consent Agenda 

1. Minutes for City Council Meeting No. 2024-13, June 17, 2024 and Special City Council Meeting No. 2024-14, June 27, 2024

2. Correspondence

3. Minutes for Boards and Commissions 

4. Special Designated License (SDL) – Administratively Approved

a. Wild’s Bar & Grill – Outdoor Concert (Downtown Plaza) (07/11/2024) 

b. Wild’s Bar & Grill – Fur Trade Days (Downtown Area) (07/12-13/2024)

c. The Ridge – Wedding Reception (Arts Center) (07/06/2024) 

d. The Ridge – Outdoor Concert (Downtown Plaza) (07/11/2024) 

e. The Ridge – Fur Trade Days (Downtown Area) (07/12-13/2024) 

f. Bean Broker – Fur Trade Days (Downtown Area) (07/12-13/2024) 

g. The Favorite Bar – Fur Trade Days (Downtown Area) (07/12-13/2024) 

h. Chamber of Commerce – 2024 Concert Series (Bands on Bordeaux) (07/11;    07/18; 07/25 and 08/15/2024) 

b. Public Hearing to Consider Request to Rezone Part of the SW ¼ of Section 14, T-33-N, R48-W, of the 6th P.M., Dawes County, Nebraska, also described as 16 – 24 Alpha Road, from Existing AG Agricultural District to GC General Commercial District (Kamphao Sayaloune)

c. Resolution No. 2024-63 To Approve the Rezoning Request for Part of the SW ¼ of Section 14, T-33-N, R-48-W, of the 6th P.M., Dawes County, Nebraska, also described as 16 – 24 Alpha Road, from Existing AG Agricultural District to GC General Commercial District (Kamphao Sayaloune)

d. Public Hearing to Consider an Application Submitted by the Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation for LB840 Economic Development Funds to Hire a Professional Marketing Firm to Assist in Developing a Strategic and Marketing Plan 

e. Resolution No. 2024-64 To Approve the Application Submitted by the Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation for LB840 Economic Development Funds to Hire a Professional Marketing Firm to Assist in Developing a Strategic and Marketing Plan

f. Report on the Planning Commission’s Discussion and Recommendations with Regard to Mobile Food Vendors 

g. Motion to Approve Claims

h. City Manager Report (Information Only, No Action Required) 1. Reminder to Citizens on the Enforcement of Ordinances Regarding Weeds, Grass, Worthless Vegetation, Overhanging Branches, and Trash

i. Resolution No. 2024-65 To Excuse Absence of Councilmember(s)

j. Council Closing Comments

k. Adjourn