
Grit and Commitment


US Senator Deb Fischer

By U.S. Senator Deb Fischer

To serve is an honor. That is especially true in serving oneโ€™s country. Today in America, the honor to serve our nation is only granted to those who step up to the plate.

Military service is an honor, but it takes strong character. It takes grit and commitment. It takes someone who does not give up in the face of trials, someone determined to do the job and do it well.

Over the years, thousands of Nebraskans have stepped up to serve. Theyโ€™ve demonstrated the character traits that prepare one to serve well. Those Nebraskans have gone on to defend our nation, to play a pivotal role in this countryโ€™s history.

One path many of these Nebraskans have taken into military service is one of our countryโ€™s five service academies: the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, New York), Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland), Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, Colorado), Coast Guard Academy (New London, Connecticut), and Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, New York). Young people pursuing a commission may apply to one or more of these academies, where the education and training is simply unparalleled.

The mission of all five service academies is to develop, educate, train, and inspire young people to become officers of characterโ€”officers who demonstrate grit and commitment. These officers go on to lead in service to our nation and assume the responsibilities of command. Many become community leaders in schools, public office, and business.

The academies consider whatโ€™s called the โ€œwhole person conceptโ€ when selecting students. Young men and women who receive appointments to one of the academies must have high standards of character, leadership potential, honor, academic performance, and physical fitness, and they must meet strict medical qualifications. Those who earn an appointment enjoy a world-class education, challenging athletic opportunities, and diverse military experiences. Cadets and midshipmen graduate without debt and receive a monthly stipend while attending a service academy. Upon graduation, they will earn a Bachelor of Science degree and be commissioned as an officer, serving for at least five years in our nationโ€™s Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy, Marines, Merchant Marines, or Space Force.

Applicants to the academies, excluding the Coast Guard Academy, must be nominated by a member of Congress. Every fall, following a rigorous evaluation process, I have the privilege of nominating candidates that I believe would be excellent military officers. Each year, my staff hosts Academy Days, where we give interested Nebraskans more information about the academy nomination and application processes.

Our next Academy Day will be held on September 15 from 1:00pm โ€“ 3:00pm at Lincoln Northwest High School (4901 W Holdrege St, Lincoln). This is the perfect opportunity for high school students, especially juniors and seniors considering the application process, and their parents to learn more about how to apply for nominations. 

If you feel you have the grit, commitment, and desire to serve our nation as a commissioned officer, I hope to hear from you during the nomination process this year. To apply for a nomination, please contact my Omaha office at (402) 391-3411 or email

Thank you for participating in the democratic process. I look forward to visiting with you again next week.