
Smith, Moore Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Child Welfare Services


Adrian Smith

Today, Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) introduced the Youth and Family Engagement in Child Welfare Act. This legislation would require states to consult with youth and families with lived experience in child welfare services when developing their state child welfare plans and publicly report their suggestions and how the state has implemented them.

The members released the following statements:

“Improving outcomes in child welfare programming is a responsibility I take very seriously,” said Rep. Adrian Smith. “This bipartisan bill takes a commonsense step toward ensuring state child welfare plans are informed by the insight of those whose lives are directly impacted by them. I look forward to the value added by increasing local engagement and transparency, and I thank Rep. Moore for joining me in this effort.”

“By consulting those who have firsthand experience with the child welfare system, all states can better serve impacted children and families,” said Rep. Gwen Moore. “This legislation can ensure their voices are not only heard, but that their recommendations are implemented in ways that improve the system. I am thrilled to work with my Ways and Means colleague, Rep. Adrian Smith, in this important bipartisan effort.”

“No one knows better what foster families and foster children need than those families and children who make up our foster care system,” said Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith. “State child welfare agencies need to listen and take seriously the feedback from the people who have experienced foster care. I want to thank Congressman Smith for putting forward solutions to help ensure families and children will be involved in state welfare planning. This will help make sure that these programs are effective and keep children safe and in permanent homes.”

The legislation is supported by numerous stakeholder groups, including Voice for Adoption, Journey to Success, Think of Us, Generations United, and FosterClub.

Read the text of the bill here.