
An Alternate Solution To Property Tax


By Ruel Danner

Money, inflation. Property tax seems to be the hot issues being discussed at all levels be it government or in personal daily life. Elon Musk the โ€œrichestโ€ man in the world held a one on one interview with presidential candidate Donald J Trump just days ago on X discussing various topics, one however was kept in focus, The United States debt and inflation. They both agreed there is a serious problem effecting us all that needs addressed. I think most of us would agree!

Iโ€™ve had conversations with Governor Pillen, and numerous others pushing the Epic Tax means to lower property tax however Iโ€™m convinced our problem is not a tax issue but a much deeper issue few are willing to address. True, taxes and inflation are out of control and need attention, however when one understands the root problem thatโ€™s causing the issues in the first place, itโ€™s much easier to rectify all else.

Gertrude Coogan, the first woman to get a masterโ€™s degree in business administration in the United states and economic genius who once held a position with the Federal Reserve Bank made the following statement: “There can be no Liberty without Economic Freedom- America can have no Economic Freedom without and honest money system- one removed from the controls of the socially irresponsible private Money Creators. Quote from her book, The Money Creators 1934”.

That means if the money being issued is issued irresponsible to the one receiving it, loss of liberty is inevitable. Sound familiar? It should because day by day, year by year individual liberties have diminished, taxes and inflation have increased and oneโ€™s time is stretched working to make ends meet.

The United States is heralded as the richest country on earth yet it has the highest gross national debt of over 100 trillion combined. A question needs asked. If were the richest country, why is there so much debt and so little money? Why is money, inflation and tax always a reoccurring issue we have to be constantly reminded of and struggle with?

What if our problem is not property tax but money itself?
Most do not realize that ALL money in existence is issued as an interest bearing loan. Itโ€™s true! Its why we have a national debt and why thereโ€™s ever increasing inflation and skyrocketing property taxes. Since ALL Money is issued in such a fashion, it creates and ever increasing demand out of society how so? When money is created but the interest is not the interest must come from somewhere. The interest comes from society by means of taxation. This in turn creates a shortage of money and the need to borrow more. Itโ€™s a revolving cycle where a few benefit and most do not. One must ask another question, why do we have to borrow to have money in the first place and who are we paying interest to? We are truly reminded of Gertrude Cooganโ€™s words!

Im shocked at how many are in positions of authority whom I converse with who tell me they know nothing about money and economics locally and at state level. I remind such that every decision they make has economic ramifications on everyone and itโ€™s a grave responsibility. It should be required by all in higher positions to prove themselves worthy to manage our money and know the basics of it.

Times are changing in how money is being created and issued. People want economic freedom! Its which we are seeing and hearing about cryptocurrency and CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency being discussed at all levels of life across the globe.

So there is the urgent need to address property taxes I agree but we must understand property taxes and inflation are symptoms of the root problem, Debt money! Until we address the money issue there will never be a remedy to taxation, impossible!

To learn more about money you can go to our website Our books are downloadable free of charge. I have just coauthored a book called help to encourage others to learn and get involved.

The views and opinions expressed in the preceding article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Chadrad Communications, Inc. or its employees.