
2024 Nebraska Youth Range Camp


The 2024 Nebraska Youth Range Camp will be held at a new location – Scheduled for June 3 – 6 to be held at Chadron State College in Chadron, NE.

Students ages 14-18, with an interest in rangeland management, conservation, ecology, animal science, and wildlife are encouraged to attend the 60th Annual Nebraska Youth Range Camp.

The Nebraska Youth Range Camp provides hands-on experience with rangeland and natural
resources taught by professionals from various agencies, colleges, and universities. With 60
years to perfect and evolve this curriculum, every student, no matter what prior experience
they have, will learn a substantial amount of information.

This change of scenery for range camp presents an excellent opportunity to expose students to a different range-landscape enhancing their learning experiences. Students who attend will participate in field activities, lectures, leadership/team-building activities, and a field trip to a local working ranch. These field trips and activities illustrate different goals and the related range management that is implemented to achieve these goals. Each student will be sent home with a binder that is filled with educational materials.

Interested individuals can find more information, the Range Camp application, and brochure by visiting the Nebraska Society for Range Management’s website at and then clicking on the Nebraska Youth Range camp link or sending an email to Applications need to be submitted by May 26th. Check with your local Natural Resources District (NRD) to see if they have scholarships available.

Nebraska Youth Range Camp is an event that is made possible through the Nebraska Section
of the Society for Range Management with assistance from several Nebraska ranches, the
Sandhills Task Force, the Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition, several of Nebraska’s Natural
Resource Districts, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the University of Nebraska-
Lincoln Extension Service, and many volunteers.