Funeral services for 72-year old Phyllis Swift Hawk are Sat, March 16, 2024 at 10:00 at the TNT Center in Wanblee, SD, with Pastor Chris Grillo officiating and traditional Lakota services by Russell Eagle Bear and the Native American Church.
Burial is at the Divine Infant Catholic Cemetery in Fort George, SD
A two-night wake service starts Thurs, March 14, at 2:00 at the TNT Center in Wanblee
Online condolences may be left at siouxfuneralhome.com
Phyllis Ann Swift Hawk (Waunsila Un Mani Win) was born on April 28, 1951 in Fort George, SD to Stephan Swift Hawk and Florence Ann Hawk Wing. Phyllis made her journey to the Spirit World on March 4, 2024 at the Bennett County Hospital in Martin, SD.
Phyllis is survived by her children Larry Romero Sr, Loren Romero, LeAnn Romero, and Corbin (Denise) Romero; brother Guy Randy White Horse; Hunka daughters Darla Black, Elaine Mato TamaHeca, Kristal Bush, Tracy Whipple, and Charlotte Bad Cob; grandchildren Elias Bulluck, Halaina Bear Stops, Larry Romero Jr, LaSante Romero, Talia (Ryan)Romero, Ramone Pumpkin Seed, Nathaniel Pumpkin Seed, Kiera Pumpkin Seed, Treyton Pumpkin Seed, Antonia Romero, Lauren Romero, Manuel Romero, Quenesha Swift Hawk, Quentina (Joe) Standing Soldier, Quentino (Mariah) Standing Soldier, Lakita Swift Hawk, Joseph Standing Jr, Mariah & Marie Loafer, and Jesse Miramontes; great-grandchildren Lathena Bear Stops, Taitum Romero, Bentley Black Elk, Quentessa Black Elk, and Marcellus Loafer.
Phyllis was preceded in death by her parents Stephan Swift Hawk and Florence Hawk Wing; daughter Antonia W Swift Hawk; brothers Eugene Swift Hawk Sr, Gerald Swift Hawk, and Leland Swift Hawk; sisters Imogene, Geraldine, Deloris and Mary: granddaughter Lacedez A Standing Soldier; and grandson Larry Romero III.
Pallbearers will be Russell Whalen III, Tristan Winters, Larry Romero Jr, Quentino Standing Soldier, Dennis Swift Hawk, Steven Quiver, Jonathan Little Thunder, Tristan Swift Hawk, Pete Conquering Bear, and Justice Romero.
Honorary pallbearers will be Richard Moves Camp, Algin Young & Family, Wesley Hawkins & Family, Georgia Rooks & Family, Theda Zimiga & Family, SueAnn Yellow Elk & Family, Leonard Yellow Elk, Akiya Winters & Family, Julie Rosebud & Family, Bob & Mary Epps, Laura Schadd, Dody Weller, Agnes Plenty Bull & Family, Agnes Randall & Family, Marti & Melvin Bad Hand, Florine Chipps & Family, Marilyn Charging Crow, William Lamont, Linda Lamont, Michelle Long Soldier & Family, Iris Bush & Family, Stephanie Waters & Family, Eugene Swift Hawk Jr, Alvin Bettelyoun Jr, Curtis Bettelyoun, Mabel Red Kettle & Family, Josie Skunk & Family, Floyd Hawk Wing & Family, Shirley Crane & Family, Elaine Thompson & Family, Maria Poor Bear & Family, Hermilla Martinez & Family, Lola Martinez & Family, Dana Washington & Family, Elroy Cross & Family, Jim Cross & Family, Darlene Cross & Family, LeAnn Bad Wound & Family, Barb Kuxhause, Mary Dillion, Marcia O’Leary, Blaine O’Leary, Howard Red Bear lll, Donna & Gina Red Willow, Emma Swift Hawk & Family, Chrissie Spencer, Ferdinand Romero, Blaine & Alice Little Thunder & Family, Randi Morrison, Annabelle Black Bear, Geri & Johnny Wilson, Geraldine Little White Man, Lola Blaine & Family, Valene Pretends Eagle & Family, Allyson Wright & Family, Margo Heinert, Dallas & Rebecca Chief Eagle, Tiny Decory, Cecelia Fire Thunder, Grace Rooks, Mercy Iron Crow & Family, Dana Red Owl & Family, Marlene & Eli Brave Heart, Vicki Eagle Bear & Family, Cora Yellow Elk & Family, Joyce Doyle & Family, Doreen Milk & Family, Travis Mesteth, Jewel Edwards, Brandon Ferguson, Gordon Janis, Karen Janis & Family, Francine Red Willow & Family, Theresa & Jerome High Horse & Family, Marvis Bad Cob, Mavis Wilcox, Rita Rogers & Family, Russchelle Quiver, Ernest Red Elk, Jonathan Long Soldier, Emerson Spider & Family, Roger Janis, Renee Janis, Donna Whalen & Family, Velma Witt, Phyllis DeSersa & Family, Reed & Anita Brown & Family, Valentina Janis & Family, Julian Bear Runner, Amanda Wilcox, Audra Sitting up & Family, Marty Baumen, Peggy Nelson, Eli Conroy, Carlin & Angelita Red Blanket & Family, Darryl White Bull, Lena Chipps & Family, Eunice Roger & Family, Betty Red Bird, Bonita Bad Cob, Richard & Rachal Meyers & Family, Misty Black Moon, Kianna Swift Hawk, Maggie Swift Hawk, Monty Black Berg, Flint Red Feather, Galen Drapeau & Family, Cora Wilcox, Gloria Lakota,Dick & Carol Lee, Connie Conquering Bear & Family, Ronald Conquering Bear & Family, Carl Moran & Family, Shai Dull Knife & Family, Tracy Lamont & Family, Leo & Praire Rose Wilcox, Amelia Black Bear & Family, George Conroy & Family, Cornell Conroy & Family, Kim Conroy & Family, Dr. Raymond, Dr. Peter, George Starr & Family, Wanblee Community, Katrina & Beverly Red Willow, Jim Meeks & Family, Holly Quinn, Cecile Poor Bear, Earlene Rooks, Colleen Bettelyoun, Poor Bear Families, Two Elk Families, Ronald Fisherman Jr & Family, Ty Fisherman & Family, Angel Fisherman, Lyndsay Fisherman & Family, OLC Students, GED Tutors & Students, Wanblee Commodity Bldg Staff, Wanblee Action Team, PWNA Staff, OST Public Safety, Jackson County Sheriff Tucker Amiotte, American Red Cross, Crazy Horse Staff, Oglala Lakota Housing Authority Staff, Bennett County Hospital Staff, Porcupine Dialysis Center Staff, Missouri Breaks Staff, Crossroads Inn Staff, Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, Elderly Meals Program and all friends & relatives.
Arrangements entrusted with the Sioux Funeral Home of Pine Ridge, SD