
WNCC Rolls Over President’s Contract


     The Western Nebraska Community College board has rolled over the 3-year contract of President Greg Dart 

He is completing his first year as president and received his annual review Wednesday in a 75-minute closed executive session. 

     The board didn’t specifically address the evaluation when it came out of the closed-door session, but did unanimously approve extending Dart’s contract through 2026 with a 3% increase in the value of his total compensation package.

      The WNCC board also said thank you and goodbye to several departing staff members, including Alliance Campus Director Allie Tyree. 

       Tyree’s husband has accepted a new out-of-state position and she’s stepping down July 15 to follow him.

        President Dart told the board tongue in cheek Tyree “thinks she wants to live by her husband – and as much as she loves all of you. decided that that was more important for some reason.” 

        Dart then turned serious and said Tyree has done “amazing work to move this campus forward” and that she will be missed very much.