
Name Released in Chadron State Park Reckless Driving Incident


On Sunday morning, July 28, numerous calls came into the Chadron dispatch center in reference to a reckless driver inside Chadron State Park.

The vehicle caused significant damage to park property and the roadways due to missing a tire and being driven on the wheel. The vehicle also put campers and other visitors to the park in danger.

The Dawes County Sheriff’s Office and Chadron Police Department responded to the State Park. The vehicle eventually made it out of the park and proceeded north on Highway 385. It was contacted by Law Enforcement a short time later.

After investigating, the driver, 51 year old Matthew Phillips of Chadron was taken into custody for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, reckless driving and damage to roadway. Phillips was booked and lodged in the Dawes County Jail.

Matthew Phillips of Chadron- Courtesy Sheriff Jeff Johns, Dawes County Sheriff’s Office

More charges may be forthcoming. Chadron Police Department and Nebraska Game and Parks assisted with the investigation.