
Public Invited to Heartland Expressway Meeting Thursday


By Kerri Rempp

Map showing Heartland Expressway layout

The public still has a chance to attend the Heartland Expressway annual meeting, scheduled for this Thursday at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites in Chadron. 

Ports to Plains CEO Lauren Garduno will be the keynote speaker for the event, and Austin Kellogg of the Nebraska Department of Transportation will also make an appearance, said Deb Cottier, director of the Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation. 

The Heartland Expressway is a federally designated high priority corridor connecting South Dakota, Nebraska and Colorado via a four-lane expressway. It is part of the larger Ports-to-Plains Corridor, which runs north-to-south from Canada to Mexico. According to the Heartland Expressway Association website, the completed project would bring reduced travel time, accident reduction and an economic boost. 

Individuals, businesses and non-profit organizations can all become members of the Heartland Expressway Association to continue the push for completion of the project. The annual meeting provides an opportunity to learn more. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. Aug. 22. Tickets are $25 each, payable at the door by cash or check.