
Master Gardener Tips Sept 2, 2024: Gardening Into the Cooler Weather


By Katie Markheim, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

Do you find yourself crossing your fingers, hoping for an โ€˜Indian Summerโ€™? Feel as though those tomatoes arenโ€™t setting on as fast as youโ€™d hoped, and the summer is winding down too quickly?ย  Have you considered raising a fall garden? Most often, we may look to the regular season harvest as the end-all, but rather, much like a cool season garden in the Spring, there too can be planting options for a cooler season fall garden. Planting in late July and August extends the growing season of quality produce while warding off some dull autumn days. The extended season can boost sales for farmerโ€™s market vendors and help serve as a fresh produce option, a great source of nutrition.