
Back to Inflation


Ruel Danner

I recently posted a blog where I tried to shed light on the true meaning and cause of inflation. I realize one cannot divulge into everything about such a topic on a blog. My intent was to hopefully in a concise manner help readers understand it enough to raise questions and concerns so as a people, we can better serve one another and hopefully make a better place for all of us to live and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Why another expo on the same topic? Several conversations since my blog and several Nebraska State representatives sounding the alarm have brought me back.

Nebraska KETV7 radio ran a news brief titled, Nebraskaโ€™s congressional delegation say inflation, debt biggest threat! You can read the article at Since the article is available to read there, I will refrain from repeating it. Several of our representatives made comments that were a far cry from truly explaining what inflation and the root cause of it is. To me it was somewhat of an insult to all of us that are Nebraska residents.

Throughout my life Iโ€™ve always understood that thereโ€™s reasons some people are doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, store managers, carpenters, ranchers, farmersโ€™ etcโ€ฆbecause they chose that profession and spent time learning and mastering it. Yet, people too often are put in positions of controlling our lives through finance that know nothing of the matter. If people do not know what they are truly talking about, yet have such influence over such vast peoples and their lives, it becomes extremely dangerous. We need to expect better from our โ€œrepresentativesโ€.

I will hopefully put the โ€œnail in the coffinโ€ for you the reader on inflation so you can truly understand it and demand the system begin to work for you and not against.

One must understand that Inflation, whether you want to call it higher prices or lower value of your money is not normal in our naturally orchestrated world. Everything in this world has a natural balance, the sun comes up and goes down and the timing is always as perfect as we can expect.

This is not the case now in the field of โ€œmoneyโ€. Money was once invented to work for and serve humanity, to make life simpler and better so people could quickly get items they need and it was to be as stable as the day it was issued. No price increases, no loss of purchase power. You could bank your life on it! It was one of mankindโ€™s greatest inventions!

People would not have to start out early looking for someone to barter with for one good for another. Money became accepted because it actually worked. People had more time to enjoy life!

I know what youโ€™re thinking, thatโ€™s not the case now, so what is going on?

People can barely pay bills, buy groceries, pay insurance rent and so forth.

It all boils down to one simple factor, some entity, a corporation figured out they could make a profit by lending all of us the money, the medium of exchange we once got from United States Congress as a right under the Constitution. Money was once issued as a payment for work served, it was not first borrowed, then lent to the people with added interest. Inflation took place because our money issuing became one of borrowing with interest as a nation.

What is seldom if ever talked about is that interest on money is never created when debts are incurred in the principal borrowing process, never has been and cannot!

This creates and continues to be a problem for two reasons. The interest must either be borrowed or it has to come from that which is already out circulating in society. Thereโ€™s no other means to capture any interest!

See that?

The interest is not created towards a loan so it leaves only two options. Both of which create more problems. If interest is borrowed, then more must be borrowed again. If interest comes out of society, then it creates a shortage of money in society. Then more money is needed for that society and must be borrowed again. Doesnโ€™t make sense to me and shouldnโ€™t to you either because someone is getting interest no matter what.

Inflation is happening because interest always grows bigger than the debt borrowed. It has too because it does not exist in the original money supply. If all loans were suddenly paid back, there would not be any money in existence and the interest would still exist!

Our representatives speak of balancing the budget and cutting spending but in all my days on earth itโ€™s been the same old repeat and the National Debt plus interest keeps getting bigger and bigger to the point it cannot ever be paid back.

It should enrage every citizen that some entity is borrowing on their behalf then subjecting them to a lifelong process of taxation to service that debt. If the reader is curious to know what his or her share of the United States debt is I encourage them to go to There you will find in detail how much the national debt is; what they say you owe is etc. Itโ€™s becoming very frightening to say the least.

Right now the average person thinks about money well over 50 percent of his or her waking time and rightly so. Itโ€™s a matter of life and death โ€“ survival! Especially when someone else is controlling and monitoring our economic activities and not us.

People need to regain a sense of dignity and desire a life of true freedom. Money can once again serve us not some privatized corporation. It was once the beacon of America! Monetary freedom is essential to a healthy society!

Thereโ€™s an inscription on the liberty bell that has seemingly lost its message. It reads: Proclaim liberty throughout all the land!

Itโ€™s time we reclaim that message and demand money reform that works for us and gives every person true life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

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