
Gov. Pillen Prepping for Nebraska Power Outages in Tuesday Meeting


Disaster declarations have been issued for multiple storms this year resulting from wildfires, blizzards, tornadoes, high winds and more. One common occurrence in nearly all these events has been the loss of electrical power to residents. That loss of power is not just an inconvenience; in some cases, it can pose a significant risk to people, animals, public safety and more.

On Tuesday, Sept. 24, Gov. Pillen will be joined by emergency management representatives, Major General Craig Strong of the Nebraska National Guard and James Dukesherer, director of government relations for the Nebraska Rural Electric Association, in highlighting preparations helpful to Nebraskans when the power goes out.

This information was released as part of National Preparedness Month. The theme this year is โ€œStart a Conversationโ€. National Preparedness Month, recognized each September, is an annual campaign that reminds everyone that preparing for emergencies and disasters can help keep them, their families, and their communities safe.