
Managing Holiday Stress


Panhandle Worksite Wellness Council

Looking ahead to holiday gatherings, events and activities may fill you with anticipation and excitement, along with a little angst. You may feel that build-up of anxiety as the holidays approach. 

According to American Psychiatric Association, here are some coping strategies to help you bolster your mental health during the holidays.

  • Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness can be a valuable mental wellness tool.
  • Preventing Burnout โ€” Itโ€™s OK to Say No: It is important to prioritize and simplify: prioritize what brings joy and emotional recharge (people or activities) and simplify when you can.
  • Take a break Many families have that one member who can turn a pleasant conversation into a family feud.ย Get up and leave the room or step outside until everyone cools down.
  • Get Some Fresh Air and Sunlight getting outside and some fresh air and exposure to sunlight can help relax you and lift your mood.ย 
  • If Youโ€™re in Therapy, Stay in Therapy try to keep any regularly scheduled therapy a priority.ย 
  • Grief and Loss many people may have a more difficult time missing a loved one they have lost or simply experience increased grief or loss.ย Financial stress
  • Try to avoid overspending and focus on celebrating together and showing affection by being present, engaging, and supporting each other.ย 
