
Wind Cave “Adventures In Nature” Program Begins Tuesday Morning


      Wind Cave National Park begins its weekly winter Adventures in Nature program tomorrow morning.

Free interactive sessions will be offered every other Tuesday from 10:00-Noon in the visitor center through April 4th. Registration starts at 9:45.

       Wind Cave Chief of Interpretation Tom Farrell says families with kids of all ages are welcome. The programs are geared for Children ages 4-to-10, but older siblings can also participate or can serve as helpers for the younger ones.

       Farrell says each session will include interactive games and activities for children to learn about Wind Cave National Park, adding that some sessions may go outside if the weather cooperates. 

      Participants don’t have to attend every program because the topic of each session is not directly dependent on information from an earlier one.

        For information about this year’s program topics, visit and click on the Adventures in Nature link.  

       Farrell suggests that parents call ahead to ensure enough materials will be available for every child and to get updates on weather and road conditions. The park can be reached at 605-745-1134 or at