Hwy 385 between Chadron and Hemingford is closed in both directions at this time by a traffic accident that occurred around noon today 16 miles south of Chadron.
We have no details on the accident or any fatalities.
Chadron VFD Chief Branden Martens says the closure is likely to remain in effect until late afternoon or early evening as an accident reconstruction team works at the site.
Traffic is being stopped at 16th Street in Chadron and at the Link 7E junction east of Hemingford. One-lane traffic had been restored just long enough for vehicles cut off by the accident to get through.
Chief Martens says the Hemingford VFD made the initial response and asked Chadron for mutual aid for an accident with a vehicle on fire.
Chadron sent 3 trucks, an ambulance, rescue truck, and a command vehicle, but Chief Martens says Hemingford crews had the situation fully in hand by the time the Chadron units arrived.
Martens says they had already extinguished the fire and extricated at least one person with a Hemingford ambulance going to Chadron Community Hospital.
The Airlink Helicopter ambulance also responded along with the Nebraska State Patrol. The Dawes County Sheriff’s Office has been helping with traffic control.
     No details are available at this time on a traffic accident on Hwy 385 between Chadron and Hemingford around noon today that may have involved multiple fatalities.
Authorities have been unavailable so far for information on the accident.
     Traffic in both directions was halted for a time at Chadron and the Link 7E junction east of Hemingford, then resumed with one lane open.
    At least 2 trucks and 3 rescue units responded from Chadron with rescue units also responding from Hemingford and Crawford
Prayers to all involved.