
Former Longtime Chadron High Teacher Writes Book On Hometown’s Link To The Vietnam War


     Historian, author, and former Chadron High School teacher and coach Keith Walton has returned to Chadron for two days of programs on his recently published nonfiction book “The Last Full Measure – From America’s Heartland to the Battles of Vietnam.”

     Walton, who taught social studies at Chadron High from 1980-2008, drew the title of the book from the Gettysburg Address.

     In it, he tells the stories of 9 young men from his hometown Norfolk, NE, who died while serving their country during the Vietnam War.

The book recounts each man’s personal story and service in Vietnam while placing them in the context of the war and the times.

      Walton will give a reading and answer questions tonight at 6::00 at the Bean Broker, then will visit Chadron High School tomorrow for a program with students and teachers. Books will be available for purchase for $20 at both venues.

2 thoughts on “Former Longtime Chadron High Teacher Writes Book On Hometown’s Link To The Vietnam War”

  1. I would like to purchase this book. I grew up in Norfolk and served in Vietnam from January 1968 to February 1969. I didn’t find it on Amazon.

  2. It’s on Amazon now. I ordered a copy for my mother and for myself 2 days ago. One of the nine in this book was my grandmother’s brother.

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