
Chadron City Council July 17, 2023



JULY 17, 2023 6:00 P.M. CITY HALL

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor reads the following before continuing with the meeting:

“As required by Section 84-1412, subsection 8 of the Nebraska Statutes, notice is hereby

given that a copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted for your examination on the wall

inside the door to these City Council Chambers.”

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

a.  Consent Agenda

1. Minutes for City Council Meeting No. 2023-15, July 3, 2023

2. Correspondence

3. Minutes for Boards and Commissions

4. Monthly Water Report for June 2023

b. Introduce Jared Maez – New Water Department Employee

c. Deb Cottier, Executive Director, Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation (NNDC) –Report and Update

d. Resolution No. 2023-70  To Approve Final Plat for Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Southwest 20th Subdivision to the City of Chadron, Dawes County, Nebraska  (800 Block of Stockade Road)  (Brad and Robyn Petersen)

e. Resolution No. 2023-71  To Recommend Award of Bid for Sanitary Sewer Extension District No. 70  (Linden Street South of Sixth Street – Domino’s Addition)

f. Motion to Approve Claims

g. City Manager Report   (Information Only, No Action Required)

h. Resolution No. 2023-72  To Excuse Absence of Councilmember(s)

i. Council Closing Comments

j. Adjourn