
Now is the Time to Enroll in a Hunter education class


Certified volunteer hunter and bowhunter education instructors across Nebraska host classes throughout the year, but late summer and early fall are when most classes are offered.

Hunters ages 12 through 29 must take firearm hunter education to hunt any species with a firearm or air gun, and bowhunters age 12-29 must take bowhunter education to hunt deer, antelope, elk or bighorn sheep with a bow or crossbow.

Participants must be at least 11 years old to enroll in a class. Those ages 11-15 can complete an in-person or hybrid class (online and in-person requirements). Those ages 16 and older can complete online, hybrid or in-person classes.

For more information on hunter education classes and to enroll, visit Instructors typically schedule classes 1-2 months ahead of time, so check back regularly or sign up to be notified when classes are scheduled at

Apprentice Hunter Education Exemption Certificate – Anyone ages 12-29 who has not completed firearm or bowhunter education may purchase an Apprentice Hunter Education Exemption Certificate that temporarily exempts them from hunter and bowhunter education requirements when they follow certain rules. For more information, visit

Become a certified volunteer instructor – Game and Parks is seeking applicants interested in becoming a certified volunteer hunter or bowhunter education instructor. To view requirements and to fill out an application, visit or contact Hunter Nikolai at or 402-471-6134.