
Recall Petitions For Dawes County Commissioner Due Today


      Today is the last day for opponents of Dawes County Commissioner District 2 Vic Rivera to submit the recall petitions they’ve been circulating for the past 30 days. 

Petitioner Taylor Wohlers of rural Crawford needs the signatures of at least 207 registered voters from District 2 to force a recall election.  

   That’s 35% of Rivera’s winning total last November, when he was unopposed for a third term after beating Travis Nitsch in the Republican primary. 

If Wohlers turns in his petitions, County Clerk Cheryl Feist will have 15 days to check registration cards and verify there are at least 207 valid signatures. The county commissioners would then set an election date. 

Wohlers says Rivera should be removed from office for “mismanagement of operations of District 2, interfering with relationships with present and past employees, and dereliction of duties. 

Rivera calls the allegations “false and unfounded,” adding that it’s apparent his critics do not ”have an understanding of the actual duties of the commissioners.”

2 thoughts on “Recall Petitions For Dawes County Commissioner Due Today”

  1. If any good comes out of this, I hope it exposes the truth and who and what the real problems are. This all came to light when the County Superintendent was hired from the City. Start there, and you will find real problems.

  2. We agree with Mr. Fred Waerford.
    Corruption is not just at the state and national level!
    Given the opportunity we need to start the clean up locally.
    State, city, and county employees have to stand up for their accountability wheather hired, contracted or elected. The can be fired!

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