
UNL Monthly Report Indicates Continued Economic Growth In Nebraska


      The UNL Bureau of Business Research says Nebraska’s leading economic indicator grew by just under 9-10th of a percent in July.

The indicator is designed to predict economic activity six months into the future.

     Bureau director and UNL economist Eric Thompson says what he calls the “solid increase” suggests economic growth will continue in Nebraska through the end of this year and into the first month of next year.

      The leading economic indicator has 6 components:  business expectations, building permits for single-family homes, airline passenger counts, initial claims for unemployment, the value of the dollar, and manufacturing hours worked.

     All except airline passenger counts improved in July with Thompson saying each shows strength in the economy with a drop in the value of the dollar last month benefitting Nebraska companies competing in international markets. 

    The full report and a technical report describing the indicators are available at the Bureau of Business Research website