
Fire Damages Chadron Home


    Quick action by Chadron firefighters Saturday morning kept a pre-dawn house fire from doing any significant structural damage. 

   Fire Chief Brandon Martens says the renter of the house in the 700 block of Bordeaux Street discovered the fire a little after 4:30 a-m after getting up early.

   Chadron police got to the scene before firefighters and reported that flames were visible. Chief Martens says the first of the 3 engines to arrive knocked down the fire on the exterior with the next unit entering the house and extinguishing the fire. 

    Martens says the fire was caused by an overheated exhaust fan in the bathroom with the only structural damage in the bathroom and attic with additional damage to the eaves and windows. 

     He hasn’t compiled a dollar figure for losses and says smoke damage to clothing and furnishings could be significant.

     About 20 firefighters responded along with the 3 engines and a command vehicle. Martens offers deep thanks to the Chadron police and to NPPD and Black Hills Energy, which shut off utilities during the fire.Â