
Pillen Picks Briese As Next State Treasurer


      Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen has appointed State Senator Tom Briese of Albion to succeed John Murante as state treasurer.

Briese will serve out the remaining 3-plus years of Murante’s term and has said he plans to run for the office in 2026.

       Pillen received about a dozen nominations and applications for state treasurer after Murante was chosen last month to be the next director of the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems,

       The governor says Briese “has the respect of his peers and is a proven leader on tax  policy reform, which will serve him well in his new role as treasurer” – adding that Briese “has been a great representative for District 41 in the Legislature.” 

        Briese, who is term-limited next year as a state senator, says he’s “honored” to be picked by Pillen and looks “forward to this new opportunity and continuing to serve the people of our great state.” 

        A 4th-generation family farmer with a degree in Ag Economics from UNL and a law degree from the Nebraska College of Law, Briese says he’s “truly enjoyed” his time in the Legislature and is proud of his accomplishments and the relationships he forged.

     Murante officially steps down as state treasurer next Monday, but Briese won’t take over until Nov 1. During the transition, Assistant State Treasurer Rachel Biar will manage the day-to-day operations of the office.

      Pillen plans to release information in the near future on the selection process to replace Briese in Legislative District 41 will be provided at a later date.