
Emergency Rules Added To New State Law Limiting Gender-Affirming Care For Minors


      Nebraska’s new law restricting gender-affirming care for anyone under 19 took effect yesterday without required but yet-to-be-drafted regulations – but the lack of regulations lasted only a few hours.

      The Nebraska Dept of Health and Human Services announced later in the morning that Gov Jim Pille has signed off on a set of emergency regulations

      The temporary rules require trans youth seeking gender-affirming care to wait 7 days to start puberty blocking medications or hormone treatments and to undergo at least at least 40 hours of therapy before starting any treatments. 

     The emergency rules will remain in effect while the department takes public comments on a proposed final set of regulations on when and how trans youth youth can receive other care.

      The announcement on the emergency regulations came after families, doctors and even lawmakers said they had largely gotten no response from DHHS on when the regulations would take effect. 

     The agency says it plans to release a proposed final version by the end of October and then have a public hearing on Nov. 28 in Lincoln.

      Yesterday’s implementation of the controversial new law led to a transgender right rally at the State Capitol with multiple speakers saying decisions on treating trans youth should be made jointly by the youth, their parents, and their doctors. 

     At least 22 Republican led states have enacted laws restricting or banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors. An Arkansas ban mirroring Nebraska’s was struck down by a federal judge in June as unconstitutional 

     During the signing ceremony for the new Nebraska law, Gov Pillen suggested that children and their parents who seek gender-affirming treatment are being “duped,” and added it’s “absolutely Lucifer at its finest.” T

8 thoughts on “Emergency Rules Added To New State Law Limiting Gender-Affirming Care For Minors”

  1. Sad we’ve gotten to a point in history of mass confusion! What’s next? Then along comes Govt with all their so called solutions and so willing to fund another dandy idea.

  2. Sad we’ve gotten to this juncture in time. When a society loses its ability to identify its true self its headed to complete disaster. Govt is not to decide for people, the foundation is the family.

  3. I do not support circumcision. Any mutilation of the body (with the exception of amputation, appendix removal, etc. to save the patient’s life) should not be considered medical care.

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