
City Approves Rental Break For January Swim Meet


     The Chadron City Council has unanimously approved a request from the Chadron Sharks Swim Team for a reduced rate to use the Aquatics and Wellness Center for a swim meet January 13th and 14th.

      The pool will be closed to the general public both days and the rate is normally $300 for 4 hours plus $150 per hour if clean-up is required afterward.

      Sharks Board President Sheila Pourier told the council the plan is for the meet to run from noon-till-7:00 on Friday the 13th and from 7:30 the next morning to 1:00 that afternoon with a total bill likely in excess of $1,500.

      Chadron Zoning/Building Officer Janet Johnson said she’d offered a flat $1,000 dollars, regardless of how many hours it might take to get the pool ready to reopen on January 15th.

      Johnson says a representative of the Sharks felt it was a reasonable figure while $1,000 is probably more than the city would take in for normal admissions and party room rentals for the two days. 

      The council members all expressed pleasure at the agreement and with the fact that the Sharks will finally be able to host a meet. 

      It’s been a goal of the group since the conversion of the city’s outdoor pool into the indoor Aquatics Center first came up nearly a decade ago, but had to wait until needed equipment, including competition lane ropes and an electronic timing system were in.

     Pourier says the Sharks have submitted the paperwork for the meet to be sanctioned by Wyoming, which would bring in swimmers and teams from the Cowboy State as well as Nebraska and South Dakota. 

    Councilman Miles Bannan, part of the original pool study committee, told Pourier he’s excited about finally being able to hold a meet – especially a 2-day affair that should produced a nice post-Christmas economic boost for the community.