
Neb Brand Committee Tabs Former Crime Commission Boss As New Executive Director


      The most recent former executive director of the Nebraska Crime Commission is the new executive director of the Nebraska Brand Committee.

Don Arp begins his new duties on Friday.

      A Nebraska native, Arp brings a wide range of experience to the Brand Committee. He holds degrees from UNL and from Middlesex University in London, while his career path led to multiple positions in Nebraska state government.

      Arp even worked with the Brand Commission as Deputy Director of the state’s Center of Operational Excellence. 

     He followed that post with 4 years as head of the Crime Commission – officially the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice – before stepping down in June.

      Brand Committee Chairman Duane Gangwish says the Committee is “delighted” to bring Arp aboard and believes “his leadership skills and previous experiences working in and amongst other state and local agencies, legislators, and gubernatorial staff will well serve the interests of Nebraska’s number one economic driver – the cattle industry.” 

      Arp calls it “an honor to have been selected by the Brand Committee as the next Executive Director,” adding that he “looks forward to working side by side with the Brand team, and getting out across the state to meet and advocate for the hardworking Nebraskans who drive our livestock and agricultural industries.”,

     Arp’s first Brand Committee meeting as executive director will be next Tuesday, and he also plans to attend the Nebraska Cattlemen Convention the following 2 days, December 6-7, in Kearney. 

       Arp succeeds John Widdowson, who is stepping down after 8 years with the Brand Committee, the first 5 as a member of the committee, including a stint as chairman, and the last 3-½ as Executive Director. 

      Chairman Gangwish says the Committee extends “a heartfelt congratulations and thanks” to Widdowson, a 5th-generation family farmer and rancher,“for his vision and herculean efforts over the last eight years.”

      The Brand Committee had been battered by a series of scandals and negative state audits when Widdowson moved from chairman to executive director. When he took the job, he said it was “only until the ship was righted.” In announcing his resignation, he said not only was it now righted, it’s recognized as an industry leader.