
It’s MLK Day, But It’s The Cold That’s Giving Local Students The Day Off


      Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day, a federal holiday as well as one for most states.

Federal, state, and county offices are closed, as are banks and financial institutions, and there is no mail delivery 

      Most schools in our area would normally have classes today, but all have called them off because of the Wind Chill Warning that continues through tomorrow morning.

      Chadron State College hasn’t held classes on Martin Luther King Day in recent years, but today is also closing the campus because of the winter weather conditions.

      All buildings, including the library and Nelson Physical Activity Center, are closed today, but residence halls and dining services remain open for on-campus students. If conditions persist, decisions on a possible late start or closure tomorrow will follow.

       Chadron State activities celebrating Dr King and his day have been postponed, but a new schedule has not been released.

      Congress created Martin Luther King Jr Day to honor the memory of the Nobel Peace Prize winner and civil rights leader and as a general celebration of the civil rights movement and equality. 

    First observed in 1986. it’s the 3rd Monday in January and sometimes – including this year – falls on his birthday, January 15.

     As a further celebration of the life of Dr King, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, this is also the only federal holiday designated as a National Day of Service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities.

      It was first proclaimed by Congress in 1994 to bring together people from different backgrounds to meet needs in their community.

     The federal agency that leads the Day of Service effort says more than 10,000 service projects are planned in all 50 states to address a multitude of pressing social issues from poverty to hunger and the dropout crisis.

     Volunteers and project leaders from around the country will be posting videos, blog messages, tweets, and photos in real-time throughout Monday that capture volunteer activities in their communities. 

     To track what is happening at service sites and find local volunteer opportunities, visit