
Adoptive Parent Himself, Gov Jim Pillen Proclaims Nov As Adoption Month


     November is National Adoption Month and Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen held a signing ceremony Monday in the legislative chamber for a state proclamation as well. 

     Gov Pillen urged other Nebraskans to “answer the calling” to adopt children or become foster parents, saying “Every child, no matter their circumstance, deserves a loving, safe, and caring home.”

     Pillen choked up with emotion momentarily as he related his own family’s experience with adopting a child. He called the adoption at 4 months of his now 19-year-old son Izic “the greatest gift of grace that Suzanne and I and our family could ever” experience.

       Pillen celebrated that there have been 331 children adopted in Nebraska so far this year, but pointed out another 200 are still waiting – including 27 under the age of 4. 

       The governor was joined at the signing ceremony-news conference by a number of other adoptive and foster parents, including Laura Opfer, deputy director of the Children and Family Services Division of Nebraska Health and Human Services. 

      Opfer, the adoptive parent to 4 daughters, said there are 2,321 foster families in the state, many more are needed – especially other family members of children who are wards of the state.

     Opfer said the state’s top goal is to reunify children with their parents, especially after temporary placement with other family members – adding that 855 children have been reunified with their parents so far this year.

       Others speaking yesterday emphasized that the state, through a contract with the Nebraska Children and Home Society, provides training and support for both adoptive families and foster caregivers. 

     Those interested in becoming foster or adoptive parents can call 1-800-772-7368 or access the DHHS adoption page. The Nebraska Children’s Home Society also has information online at 

    This year’s theme for National Adoption Month is “Empowering Youth: Finding Points of Connection.” It emphasizes the important role professionals have in building relationships and creating welcoming spaces that empower youth to forge lifelong connections that will support and affirm their identity.