
Bank Warns Customers To Beware Of Scams


    Platte Valley Bank in Chadron is warning residents of a string of fraudulent text messages targeting the community and the bank.

     Platte Valley Companies Marketing Director Amy Doll says scammers are targeting different kinds of transactions including unrecognized charges, attempted charges, and new device warnings. 

      Doll says one recent scam involved text message alerts about a “problem” transaction that included an online link that looked like a normal online banking page, but actually gave the scammers access to the bank account.

     Doll says Platte Valley Bank has some simple tips to protect yourself and your personal financial information.

      First and foremost is to never give out information such as an account number, password, debit card number, personal identification number (PIN), or two authentication factor code. 

     That’s because while scammers use this information to get into your bank account, your bank will not email, text, or call you asking for confidential information, so one doing so is obviously a scam.

      Doll also recommends being suspicious and contacting your back if you’re uncertain about a call, text, or email.

     If a message contains information or a link that seems unfamiliar, do not click on any links in the message. Links in phishing messages direct you to fraudulent websites, so don’t reply in any way. 

      Doll says Platte Valley and other community banks protect their customers, so if you think you’ve been the victim of a scam and may have provided personal or important financial information, contact your local bank immediately