Routine vaccines are a great tool to keep kids healthy, in schools, and ready to learn. August is National Immunization Awareness Month and a key time to make sure you and your children are up to date on all the vaccines you need to stay healthy.
This annual observance highlights the importance of getting recommended vaccines for children and adults. You have the power to protect yourself and your family against serious diseases through on-time vaccination.
Five reasons it is important for children and adults to get vaccinated:
1. Vaccines have saved lives for over 100 years – but serious disease is still a threat.
• Vaccines have greatly reduced diseases that once routinely harmed babies,
children, and adults.
2. Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from preventable
• Vaccines help your body create protective antibodies—proteins that help it fight
off infections.
3. Vaccines can prevent serious illness.
• Some vaccine-preventable diseases can have serious complications or even lead
to later illnesses.
4. The vaccines you receive are safe.
• Vaccine safety is a high priority.
5. Vaccines may be required.
• Certain vaccines are required for school, work, travel, and more.
Cynthia Garza, LPN & Public Health Nurse shared, “Providing immunizations for employees can benefit both the employee and the employer by decreasing time missed from work and improving the employee’s overall health.”
PPHD Public Health Nurses are available to provide routine child and adult vaccines along with COVID boosters or flu shots this Fall. As our children head back to school this fall, make sure vaccination is at the top of your back-to-school checklist.
For additional information about worksite wellness, visit the website
www.pphd.ne.gov/pwwc.html or call Nicole Berosek at 308-279-3496. The Panhandle Worksite Wellness Council is proudly part of Panhandle Public Health District and specializes in supporting employers in the Panhandle region. We recognize that many employers support a diverse and remote workforce and offer innovative ways to overcome the challenge of working
with a virtual team. We understand that many of our employers do not have full-time wellness resources and work to provide resources and training to make running a worksite wellness program as easy as possible.
Panhandle Public Health District is working together to improve the health, safety and quality of life for all who live, learn, work and play in the Panhandle. Our vision is that we are a healthier and safer Panhandle Community.