As millions of drivers hit the road for holiday travel, the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) reminds drivers and passengers that buckling up is the most effective defense against injury or death in the unfortunate event of a crash.
Thanksgiving kicks off one of the busiest travel seasons of the year, and with increased traffic comes a higher risk of crashes. Protect yourself: In the hurry to visit family and friends this holiday season, don’t forget to wear your seat belt every single time. Your loved ones will be thankful you did.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the country’s 2021 Thanksgiving holiday weekend saw 361 passenger vehicle occupants lose their lives in traffic crashes, with half not wearing seat belts.
Follow these travel tips to keep you and your passengers safe during holiday travel:
- Leave ample following room and be prepared for sudden slowdowns due to increased traffic.
- Avoid distractions. Keep your phone down and focus on the road.
- Check 511.nebraska.gov before you leave for a real-time look at Nebraska traffic.
- Drive sober or get pulled over. If your mind is altered, you aren’t good to drive. Find a sober
Travel safe to ensure a thankful return home for everyone.
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