
Calling All Artists


Chadron Public Library is partnering with the Chadron Arts Center and faculty from Chadron State College and Chadron Public Schools to host a community art show in February, 2023. Residents of Chadron and surrounding communities are invited to be creative and make something for the show. All ages and abilities are encouraged to participate. There is no cost to exhibit and the event will be free and open to the public. The goal is to have fun making art, and to bring communities members together.

This year the theme is Rooted in the Earth. Chadron State College Associate Professor Tawny Tibbitts, Susan Rolfsmeier Assistant Director at Chadron Public Library and Whitney Tewahade, Art Instructor at Chadron Public Schools, imagined it would be fun to explore rocks, minerals and all things related to the earth. For example, this could be using minerals in pigments, using natural dyes, clay, rocks, or representing an aspect of the earth as the subject of a drawing, painting, sculpture or textile.

During the month of January, art supplies for adults interesting in making drawings, paintings and mixed media art are available at Chadron Public Library in adult services. A booklist of resources related to art and nature is available at the library front desk and through the library’s online catalog under “Booklists.” The library will offer a program Let’s Make Art Together as
part of its annual Winter Reading Program. Join staff member Susan Rolfsmeier, on Saturday, January 28th from 1:30-2:30 pm to relax and have fun being creative.

Registration materials will be available starting Monday, January 9th at Chadron Public Library. Set up for the art show will be Friday, February 17th starting at 5:30 pm. The show will be open to the public February 18th and February 19th at the Chadron Art Center. More details about the event will follow as the date approaches. Please call Chadron Public Library at 308-4320531 for more information.