
Chadron City Council Agenda Dec 19, 2022



DECEMBER 19, 2022   6:00 P.M.

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor reads the following before continuing with the meeting:As required by Section 84-1412, subsection 8 of the Nebraska Statutes, notice is hereby given that a copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted for your examination on the wall inside the door to these City Council Chambers.”

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

a. Consent Agenda

   1. Minutes for City Council Meeting No. 2022-29, December 5, 2022

   2. Correspondence

   3. Minutes for Boards and Commissions

   4. Monthly Treasurer’s Report and Water Report

   5. Fire Department Membership Update

b. Re-Introduce New Police Officer Sam Cafferty and Administer Oath of Service

c. Introduce David Gifford – New Parks/Cemetery Employee and Kaycee Barnes – New Administration Employee

d. City Employee Recognition

   1. Report on City Employees and Years of Service

   2. Announce Employee of the Year for 2022

e. Public Hearing re: Liquor License Application for a Retail Class C, Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits, On and Off Sale, Liquor License for 4 Hermanos, LLC dba Molcajetes Mexican Restaurant (251 Main Street)

f. Resolution No. 2022-146 To Approve the Liquor License Application for a Retail Class C, Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits, On and Off Sale Only, Liquor License for 4 Hermanos, LLC dba Molcajetes Mexican Restaurant (251 Main Street)

g. Deb Cottier, Executive Director, Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation (NNDC) –Report and Update

h. Branden Martens, Fire Chief, Chadron Volunteer Fire Department – Ladder Truck – Report and Update

i. Resolution No. 2022-147 To Approve Progress Payment No. 3 for the Reconstruction of the Existing Wildlife Fence Project at the Chadron Municipal Airport

j. Resolution No. 2022-148 To Approve Payment Application No. 2 for Fuller Construction, Inc. for the Installation of a Water Line Loop at Stockade Road Pursuant to the Subdivision Improvement Agreement Dated March 4, 2019 with Fuller Holding Company, LLC

k. Resolution No. 2022-149 To Approve Application and Certificate for Payment No. 1 for Wilkinson Industrial for the East Tank Recoating Project

l. Motion to Approve City Council Meeting Dates for Calendar Year 2023

m. Resolution No. 2022-150 To Extend Holiday Greetings

n. Motion to Approve Claims

o. Interim City Manager Report (Information Only, No Action Required)

   1. Report and Update on the Damage from the November 7, 2022 Wind Storm

p. Resolution No. 2022-151 To Excuse Absence of Councilmember(s)

q. Council Closing Comments

r. Adjourn