
Chadron City Council Aims At Improving Memorial Park


The Chadron City Council took a step forward to improvements at Memorial Park Monday night by approving 50 thousand dollars towards the upgrades of the park. The 50 thousand dollars will come from LB 840 monies. LB 840 is funds set up for community betterment projects. The improvements of the park include new pickle ball courts, reconstruction of the tennis courts and new playground equipment. The request for the funds came from Chadron Community Recreation.

The improvements on the park are contingent upon receiving a grant requested by the group from the state through a federal government program.

The council tabled the 2023-24 salary scale so they could look into the issue further. There was some concern about the amounts proposed and council members wanted more time to look at comparative salaries.

The council also heard the second reading of the proposed fee ordinance for fiscal year 2023-24 and the appropriations ordinance for the 2023-24 fiscal year with final reading of those ordinances coming in September.

City Manager Tom Menke told the council that they are currently out of mosquito spray. Menke says the spray is on order and monitoring an spraying will begin once it arrives, but he added that the vendors they order spray from are having supply issues.

Menke reminded the public to control the vegetation around their property and to not have standing water. He asks the community to check alleys as well.

7 thoughts on “Chadron City Council Aims At Improving Memorial Park”

  1. Please consider locking gates at each entrance to Wilson Park at 11 PM each evening. Alternately, consider installing video cameras to monitor vehicles entering the park at all hours of the morning (2 AM?? Why would someone go into a city park at 2 AM?)

  2. parks in Alliance close at 10:00 p.M. you can’t fish at Laing lake after 10: 00 P.M. cops will come and act like you just robbed the bank or killed a person !!!!!! call in to headquarters to see if you’re wanted by the law or have an outstanding warrant for your arrest !!!!!!!!!!

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