
Chadron City Council Meeting Agenda July 15 2024



NO. 2024-16

JULY 15, 2024

6:00 P.M.

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor reads the following before continuing with the meeting:
“As required by Section 84-1412, subsection 8 of the Nebraska Statutes, notice is hereby
given that a copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted for your examination on the wall
inside the door to these City Council Chambers.”

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

a. Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes for City Council Meeting No. 2024-15, July 1, 2024
  2. Correspondence
  3. Minutes for Boards and Commissions
  4. Monthly Treasurer’s Report for May 2024
  5. Monthly Water Report for June 2024
  6. Fire Department Membership Update
  7. Revised Claims List for the July 1, 2024 City Council Meeting

b. Deb Cottier, Executive Director, Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation (NNDC) –Report and Update

c. Resolution No. 2024-66 To Approve a Second Addendum to the Option to Purchase Real Estate Described as Section 24: Tract 1 of Township 33 North, Range 49 West of the 6th P.M., Dawes County, NE, Extending the Date to Exercise the Option to January 31, 2026 for the Purpose of a Community Solar Generation Facility

d. Resolution No. 2024-67 To Approve a Second Amendment to the Service Agreement Between the City of Chadron and the Solid Waste Agency of Northwest Nebraska (SWANN) to Approve Issuance of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2024 in the Principal Amount Not to Exceed $2,600,000

e. Resolution No. 2024-68 To Rescind Resolution No. 2020-60 to Remove Mark Hunt from the Roster as an Active Law Enforcement Reserve Officer for the Chadron Police Department and to Discontinue the Reserve Officer Program

f. Motion to Approve Claim for Sprinkler Solutions (Councilmember Joe Johndreau)

g. Motion to Approve All Other Claims

h. City Manager Report (Information Only, No Action Required)

  1. Reminder to Citizens on the Enforcement of Ordinances Regarding Weeds, Grass, Worthless Vegetation, Overhanging Branches, and Trash
  2. Report on the Free Swim Day held on June 20, 2024 at the Chadron Area Aquatics and Wellness Center

i. Resolution No. 2024-69 To Excuse Absence of Councilmember(s)

j. Council Closing Comments

k. Personnel Matters (R.R.S. 1943 84-1410)

l. Adjourn

The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to adjourn into executive
session pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Nebraska Revised State Statutes.