
Chadron City Council Start Time To Remain 6:00 PM


      The starting time for regular meetings of the Chadron City Council will remain 6:00 at least until December.

     Council members briefly discussed last night moving up to 5:00, the traditional start time until it was changed in 2011.

      The late Levi Grant proposed the switch to 6:00 to make it easier for himself and others working until 5:00 or later to make it to council meetings.

        The two current members who are leaving the council in December expressed strong opinions on opposite sides of the issue last night.

       Miles Bannan strongly supported the earlier start and resulting earlier ending of meetings while Joe Johndreau said having to shut down his business an hour earlier would have significant logistical and financial impacts.

        The remaining 3 council members – George Klein, Mark Graves, and Shane Shepherd – seemed cool to the 5:00 idea, but all 5 agreed it would be better to make any decision after the 2 new council members are seated in December.