
Chadron Intersection Closing At 2:30 PM – UPDATE


      The City of Chadron Street Department is closing the intersection of East Niobrara and North Main from 2:30 this afternoon (Tuesday) to 5:00 tomorrow morning (Wednesday) for maintenance.

      For those needing to use East Niobrara, Dr Steadman is allowing the city to set up a detour through the parking lot of the veterinary clinic.

     A section of the northbound lane of North Main in the area of East Niobrara underwent a major reconstruction earlier this year.

5 thoughts on “Chadron Intersection Closing At 2:30 PM – UPDATE”

  1. They could’ve picked any other day/week to close, but picked the day all of the large animals come to fair. Good thinking Chadron!

  2. north main is open to one lane traffic. it is just the east side of the street at the intersection with east niobrara that is closed. no need to assume that the street dept. has a bias against large animals.

  3. You know it doesn’t matter at all what time/day/season they fix the roads someone is always going to complain – and honestly the road wasn’t closed at all just the intersection. That intersection has nothing to do with the fair and getting to the fairgrounds. If you don’t like it go around down Pine/Maple Street and avoid the whole section of town all together.

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