
Chadron Professional Gunfighter Qualifies for National Fast Draw Competition


Photo Courtesy of Val Miller

Although sports such as football and baseball gets plenty of coverage, its uncommon to hear about a professional cowboy fast draw gunslinging contest. However, a local professional gunfighter from Chadron, known by her peers as “Devil Woman”, has earned herself a top honor as the fastest gunslinger in the ladies division throughout the state of Nebraska.

Val Miller (Devil Woman), of Chadron says the Cowboy Fast Draw Association is a “throwback” to the Old West. According to Miller, it’s an international organization that has clubs all around the world. She got involved about 7 years ago with her husband, The Runnin Gun, after going to check out a National Competition held in Deadwood, SD.

Cowboy Fast Draw is one of the oldest shooting sports to date. It is a timed sport using single action .45 caliber western style six shooter guns. The contest is held elimination style. The loser of a round receives an “X”. When a competitor reaches a certain number of X’s, they are eliminated from the competition. The organization has over 3,000 members.

According to Miller, competitors are lined up to a six lane shooting range, with individuals scored against the gunslinger adjacent to them. At the announcer’s command, gunslingers must quickly draw their gun from their holster, cock a round, and fire at a target in front of them before their opponent.

Miller commends her husband for getting her involved in shooting and supporting her and her accomplishment. “My husband is my coach,” she said.

The State level competition in Valentine where Miller claimed her victory had over 50 competitors total between men and women. She is now qualified to perform at the World Competition in Fallon, Nevada in 2025 in a competition known as the “Champion of Champions”.