Chadron Public Schools Board of Education
Regular Board Meeting June 12, 2023 5:30 PM District Offices
“Infinite Possibilities – Infinite Education”
“Opportunities for All”
The Board at the meeting may rearrange the order of the agenda.
a. Welcome and Recognition of Visitors-
b. Meeting Called to Order – A complete copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted on the west wall and in the BOE Documents folder.
c. Pledge of Allegiance
d. Determine if a Quorum is Present
e. Motion to Declare the Meeting Properly Publicized and Open to the Public.
f. Approval of the Agenda for June 12, 2023, Regular Board Meeting.
g. Approval of the Minutes from the Board Meetings for May 8 and May 24, 2023.
“Celebrate to Elevate”
h. Awards and/or Honors-
- Congratulations to our medalists at the State Track Championships:
- 🥇 Back-to-Back State Champion – Xander Provance, 110H
- 4th – Malachi Swallow, 300H
- 4th – Rhett Cullers, 110H
- 6th – Rhett Cullers, 300H
- 4th – Xander Provance, Malachi Swallow, Rhett Cullers, Quinn Bailey, 4×100 Relay
i. High Fives-
- Mrs. Dubs is the recipient of the 2023 Mental Health Champion Award for the state of Nebraska. The award was given at the Nebraska School Mental Health Conference on June 7th
- Thank you, Mrs. Waugh, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Tewahade, and all of the teachers who helped organize the student showcase on May 16th.
- All of the students who showcased their many talents at the student showcase!
- Mrs. Dubs, Mrs. Riggs, Dana Tewahade, and all of the Hope Squad sponsors and students for all of the excellent work you did this year! This group has done so much to improve the culture of mental health in our school.
- Mrs. Dubs for scheduling students and teachers in Infinite Campus. There are always glitches when we begin a new schedule. Mrs. Dubs has done a great job!
- Mr. Hare and Ms. Glass for teaching summer school!
- We wish Mrs. Waugh, Mrs. Traphagan, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Klemp, and Mrs. Burrows the best of luck in their future endeavors.
- Congratulations to the 2023 Graduating Seniors (68 seniors)
- Thank you to all the students and staff for the successful completion of the 2021-22 school year!
- To all of the parents that brought in treats and flowers for Teacher Appreciation Week!
- To the 4th-grade team and Mrs. Schrader for the wonderful Nebraska programs. The students did a great job representing their famous Nebraskans.
- To Tina McLain and Steph Cogdill for doing our Acadience end-of-year benchmark testing.
- To Mrs. Motz and Miss Danielle Kuxhausen for teaching and supporting our Summer Enrichment and to Mrs. Eliason for setting up the Marathon Kids enrichment piece and providing snacks! We have 17 students attending.
- To Dee Dee Grant on her 27 years of dedication to educating students. Enjoy your retirement!
- We wish Samantha Rahmig the best in her new position.
- Thank you to Connie Chancellor for filling in for us this spring as a classroom para and we look forward to you subbing in the future.
- We would like to wish Myra Gehrig the best as she moves to CMS!
- We wish Amy Gardner the best of luck in her future endeavors as she begins her retirement and we also say farewell to Sarah Glaser who will move to Intermediate School to continue to work with a student as adult support. Whitney Tewahade will be returning to teaching art classes for our Primary Students and we are so excited for that opportunity at the Primary School.
- To the Teachers, Families, and Students who made our fourth quarter of school successful. We had three students achieve 100% attendance for the year so a HUGE congratulations to those students and their families to make that accomplishment.
- Welcome to Baylee McClaren, Kate-Lynn Dahl, and Eleanor Quick as they join our staff as paraprofessionals; we are excited to have them on our team.
- A big THANK YOU to all of our staff members, families, and students who contributed to our fundraising efforts for our PBIS end-of-year celebration. We hosted a Pie in the Face fundraiser in which people could drop off coins and bills to see which staff member would get a pie in the face on the last day of school. Our big “winner” was Mrs. Sandstrom with Mrs. Mack and Miss Wild tying for second place. The students had so much fun with these fundraising activities and had so much fun on our last couple of days with school. Students raised close to $400 from these containers and with that, we were able to fund our PBIS supports for students.
j. Recognition of the Public Requesting to Comment on Specific Agenda Items
a. Treasurer’s Report – Submitted by Sara Taylor, Business Manager.
b. Approval of Bills and Claims – General Fund, Depreciation Fund, Lunch Fund, Cooperative Fund, and Special Building Fund.
c. Approval of Bills and Claims – Student Activity Fund and Student Fee Fund.
- Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on BOE members attending Conferences/Meetings/Trainings-Goals 1-2.
- Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the line of credit.
- Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action for 2023-24 lunch prices.
- Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on the following policies-Goals 1-2:
- Third Reading
- Narcan Policy 1602
- Third Reading
- Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on the Annual Notification of Wellness Policy (Policy 5141.6) including content, any updates & implementation status, a summary of District events or activities related to wellness policy implementation, name and contact information of the District officials leading the committee, and information on how the public can get involved with the school wellness committee Goals 1-2
a. Administrator Reports Including Building Principals, Technology Director, Curriculum Director, SRO, and Maintenance Supervisor (Review Enrollment) b. Board Committee Reports – If any activity has occurred; Finance Committee (2nd Monday @ Noon); American Civics/Curriculum Committee (3rd Monday @ Noon); Policy Committee (3rd Monday @ 7 AM) Building & Grounds Committee ($7.435+ Million in Projects to do) (1st Monday at 11:00am); Personnel Committee (3rd Wednesday @ Noon); Safety Committee; Legislative Committee and Foundation Committee (3rd Wednesday at 7 AM)
AQuESTT – Accountability for a Quality Education System Today and Tomorrow AQuESTT is Nebraska’s next-generation accountability system. It aims to meet and exceed statutory requirements for accountability (R.S.S 79-760.06 and 79-760.07) by considering the broader educational experiences and success of students.
a. Leadership & Support Systems for Six (6) Tenets of AQuESTT
i. Leadership & high-quality services in processes, regulations, interagency collaboration, data systems, fiscal responsibility, and evaluation
Legislative Update-Bill Summaries, State Senator Communications NRCSA Legislative Conference and Committee, STANCE Meetings, Trustee for Chadron Community Hospital, Hospital Executive Committee, Panel on Mental Health State Conference, Negotiations, School Improvement Visits to South Central Unified and Rapid City Stevens, Meet with Governor.
ii. Finances
Federal Audit Submission, G5 Update, $5000 mini-grant, GEERS money, Juvenile Justice Community Plan, Perkins, EASIE, ESSERS, Cardinal Facility Fund, ReVision Grant, Legislative Issues
iii. Engage policy partners & stakeholders in the development of policies, regulations, and practices. Juvenile Justice Community Plan, Trustee for Chadron Community Hospital, Panel on Mental Health State Conference, Legislative and Legislative Committee, Aware, PPHD meetings
iv. Teaching, Learning, & Serving
After School Program, Professional Development Schedule,
b. College & Career Ready & Civic
i. Curriculum development and alignment to Content Standards
ACT Results, Data, ASVAB, NWEA, State Testing
ii. Integration of Career Readiness Standards into all content areas
iii. Systemic and collaborative curriculum review
Health Standard Meeting with Patrons, Content Standards Alignment, Curriculum Review with Board
iv. Partnerships for the expanded learning opportunity
Juvenile Justice Community Plan, Partnerships with PPHD and ESU
v. Career awareness, exploration, and preparation instruction
c. Assessment
i. Process to ensure reliable, valid, and appropriate assessments
Educlimber, ACT Results, Data, ASVAB, NWEA, State Testing
ii. Utilizing a balanced assessment system
Educlimber, ACT Results, Data, ASVAB, NWEA, State Testing,
iii. Sharing assessments in a timely manner
Educlimber, Acadience, BIMAS, ACT Results, Data, ASVAB, NWEA, State Testing
iv. Establishing and sharing grading policies and standards
Reviewed with Policy and Handbook.
v. Utilizing perceptual data
Educlimber, Acadience, After School Program, SIP Surveys
d. Educator Effectiveness
i. Measuring and addressing teacher engagement.
School and classroom walk-throughs. Google Classroom and Google Drive training
ii. Utilizing a research-based instructional model aligned to the NE Teacher Principal Performance Framework (NTPPF)
Danielson, Principal and Teacher Evaluations complete and classified are complete too.
iii. Utilizing a formal staff evaluation process aligned to the NE Evaluation Model for Teachers and Principals.
Admin Team Evaluations, Classified Evaluations
iv. Developing a Professional Learning plan to support continuous improvement
Danielson, Lesson Plans, and SIP Process
v. Technology to support teaching and learning, Success, Access, & Support.
1:1 Technology Upgrade of Infrastructure, Cameras, Door Locks, Purchase Rotation of Devices
e. Positive Partnerships, Relationships, and Success
i. Partnerships w/community groups & support services
Partner with PPHD, Mental Health Team meets regularly to review students’ services and discuss individual student referrals, Bimonthly STANCE Meetings, NASB Monthly Update, Radio Talks
ESU 13 Administrator Monthly Meeting, School Safety, Quarterly Safety Committee Meeting ALICAP Safety Visit, AWARE MH LEA & District Team Monthly Meetings, State/LEA Advisory Meeting, Trustee for Chadron Community Hospital
ii. Strategies for family attendance & participation
Superintendent Blog, Remind, Chadron App, Emails
iii. Expectations for safe, clean, and healthy schools
Review and monitor building cleaning plans.
iv. Measuring and addressing student engagement
Weekly classroom and building visits
v. Strategies to support all students in monitoring and managing Learning
Juvenile Justice Community Plan, Walk-throughs, Evaluations, Weekly Admin Meetings
f. Transitions
i. Process to support on-time grade completion
1:30 outs, Kindergarten Roundup, School Visits and Tours, School Improvement, Transitions
ii. Process for addressing the needs of highly mobile students
Transition, Indian Education, Juvenile Justice
iii. Process to identify and support students at risk of dropping out
Acellus, Juvenile Justice, Educlimber, Indian Education
iv. Processes to ensure the preparedness of incoming students
Orientation, Technology Boot Camp, Transitions
v. Strategies to support the transition from Primary, to Intermediate, to Middle School, to High
Transitions, Bump Up Day, FAST, Kindergarten Round-up
vi. School, and post-high school opportunities
g. Educational Opportunities & Access
i. Before or after-school opportunities
Monitor 21st Century grant that subsidizes the after-school program, Title VI Indian Education Parent Meeting
ii. Supplementing in-person classroom instruction with digital learning opportunities.
Acellus, IXL, I-Ready, Google Classroom, Imagine Learning
iii. Processes relating to a Target Improvement Plan (TIP)
v. Aligning educational opportunities to the needs of all students
Acellus online learning, IXL, Imagine Learning, Google Classroom
vi. Evaluating new educational programs
Teachers, Administrators, Program Usage for Dollars
h. Thank Yous-
- Something the BOE did tonight for student learning Goals 1-2
a. American Civics/Curriculum Committee – June 19, 2023 @ Noon
b. Policy Committee Meeting – June 19, 2023, @ 7 AM
c. Building & Grounds Committee Meeting – July 5, 2023, @ 11 am
d. Personnel Meeting – July 10, 2023, at Noon
e. Finance Committee Meeting – July 10, 2023, at 11 AM
f. Regular Board Meeting– July 10, 2023, at 5:30 PM
g. Legislative Committee-
h. Foundation – September 20, 2023, at 7 AM
a. Motion for Adjournment
FOOTNOTE – The board of education may go into closed session by an affirmative vote of a majority of its voting members if a closed session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual.