
Chadron School Board Meeting Agenda


Chadron Public Schools
Board of Educationย 
End of Fiscal Year Regular Board Meeting โ€“ 5:00 PM

August 26, 2024

โ€œInfinite Possibilities โ€“ Infinite Educationโ€
โ€œOpportunities for Allโ€
Board Goals (Reviewed 5.9.22):

1.  CPS students will either be proficient or meet typical growth in core areas using appropriate grade level assessments by providing multi-tiered systems of support to ensure equitable learning environments for all students by 2023-24.

(Teaching & Learning which includes: College & Career Ready, Assessment, Teacher Effectiveness)

2.  Foster a positive/adaptive culture that builds trusting relationships through communication and collaboration with all stakeholders for continuous school improvement.

(Positive Partnerships, Relationships, and Student Success)

Notified BOE Member Absences: 

The Board at the meeting may rearrange the order of the agenda.


a.  Welcome and Recognition of Visitors-

b.  Meeting Called to Order โ€“ A complete copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted on the west wall and in the BOE Documents folder. 

c.  Pledge of Allegiance

d.  Determine if a Quorum is Present

e.  Motion to Declare the Meeting Properly Publicized and Open to the Public.

f.  Approval of the Agenda for August 26, 2024, Regular Board Meeting.

g.  Approval of the Minutes from the Board Meetings for August 12 and 15, 2024.

h. Recognition of the Public Requesting to Comment on Specific Agenda Items


a. Treasurerโ€™s Report โ€“ Submitted by Sara Taylor, Business Manager.

b. Approval of Bills and Claims – General Fund, Depreciation Fund, Lunch Fund, Cooperative Fund, and Special Building Fund.

c. Approval of Bills and Claims – Student Activity Fund and Student Fee Fund.


Discuss consider and take all necessary action on Resolution LB 243 -Goals 1-2


Budget Draft, Commissionerโ€™s Advisory Council 


  1. Something the BOE did tonight for student learning Goals 1-2


Public Participation at Board Meetings 9325.5

Public Participation at Board Meetings

A. Attend

Members of the public shall be permitted to attend and to speak at Board meetings. They will not

be required to identify themselves as a condition for admission to the meeting. 

The Board may allow advisors, consultants, and other persons who are not Board members to

appear at the meeting via telephone or other similar means.

The President has the authority to assure that people conduct themselves in an orderly manner at

the meeting. Undue interruption or other interference with the orderly conduct of business will

not be allowed. The President may order persons who are disorderly to be removed from the


B. Hear

The Board will, upon request, make a reasonable effort to accommodate the publicโ€™s right to hear

the discussion and testimony presented at the meeting.

C. Record

Members of the public may use recording devices (phone, video camera, etc.) to record any part

of a board meeting, except for closed sessions. The President shall control the placement of the

recording device so the device does not obstruct the view of Board members or other members of

the public attending the meeting and does not otherwise interfere with the meeting.

D. Access to Written Materials

At least one copy of all reproducible written material to be discussed at an open meeting will be

made available at the meeting for examination and copying by members of the public.

E. Speak

Members of the public will be permitted to speak at Board meetings at which a public forum is

on the Agenda. Members of the public may also speak when invited to make a presentation or

when recognized by the President. The Board is not required to allow members of the public to

speak at each meeting. However, the Board will not forbid public participation at all meetings.

For regular meetings of the Board, individual speakers shall have up to 3 minutes

to address the Board, and the Board shall hear up to 20  cumulative minutes of public

comment. For all meetings other than regular meetings of the Board, individual speakers shall

have up to 3 minutes to address the Board, and the Board shall hear up to 20 cumulative

minutes of public comment. The Board may vote to modify these time limits when the Board

deems appropriate. The President may implement other reasonable requirements for public

comment, consistent with the Open Meetings Act.

Members of the public will not be required to have their name be placed on the agenda prior to

the meeting in order to speak about items on the agenda. Any member of the public desiring to address the body shall be required to identify himself or herself, including an address and the name of any organization represented by such person, unless the address requirement is waived to protect the security of the individual. A form must be filled out and is provided on the table at entrance. The President or chair for the meeting shall have the authority to establish reasonable time limits for individual speakers and for the duration of public forum sessions.

Adopted: 10-10-83 Chadron Public Schools

Amended: 1-11-10, 07/08/2024, 08/12/2024 Chadron, Nebraska     


a.   Motion for Adjournment

FOOTNOTE โ€“ The board of education may go into closed session by an affirmative vote of a majority of its voting members if a closed session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual.

NOTICE: Except for an emergency, this agenda shall not be altered later than twenty-four hours before the scheduled commencement of the meeting.