
Chadron Spraying For Mosquitoes Tonight


     The rains of recent weeks have led to a boom in the mosquito population in many parts of our area, including the Chadron area.

     The city has been applying larvicide to areas of standing water where mosquitoes reproduce, but the rains have diluted or washed it away. 

    Chadron is taking the next step by spraying from about 7:30 to about 9:30. The effectiveness of the spraying could also be affected by wind, rain, and other weather conditions.

     City manager Tom Menke says a heavier-than-usual spraying schedule is planned over the next few weeks with Code Red notifications going out just ahead of each spraying period.

      Menke says anyone concerned about the spraying can contact the city or simply remain inside while spraying is taking place in their neighborhood.

    He also urges any residents who have signed up for Code Red to do so because it’s the best-available way to stay up-to-day on emergency conditions, street closures, and activities such as spraying.