
Chadron State College Scholastic Contest Is Here!


      Chadron State College is being invaded today by over 900 students from 32 schools in Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Colorado as the college hosts its 60th annual Scholastic Contest.

       Scholastic Contest Committee Caitlin Roes says there’s competition in 42 different areas with medals, certificates, and Chadron State scholarships up for grabs..

      Roes says scholarships have always been offered, but until recently only to seniors. All winners are now eligible because Chadron State offers a number of courses that count both toward high school and college graduation.

The Scholastic Contest was begun to offer high school students competition in academic areas similar to the competition in sports, but Roes says there’s always also been the goal of getting the students familiar with CSC as a potential college choice

Roes says a variety of activities are being offered across campus, some focused on just having fun and some giving more of a look at the academic side of Chadron State.

This is the second year Roes has been in charge of Scholastic Day and she’s hoping for a less-challenging time than last year – which was the first time it was offered in the fall instead of the spring and it was the first in 3 years.

The first Chadron State Scholastic Contest in 1961 drew 850 students from 41 schools to take 29 tests. The largest contest was in 1992 with 78 schools and 2,642 students